November 4th, 2016

CTO and Cameroon to deepen technical collaboration in cybersecurity

YAOUNDE, 4 NOVEMBER 2016 – The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) and Cameroon’s Agence Nationale des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (ANTIC) have agreed to work together to increase the country’s readiness in cyber governance, cybersecurity, critical information infrastructure protection and IT forensic investigations.

The agreement between the CTO and ANTIC, which details a range of expert training programmes in these areas, was signed today in Yaoundé by the heads of the two organisations.

“Cameroon has embarked on a major drive to leverage ICTs to support its national development vision, and we consider the security of our public and private sector information systems and our ability to deal with associated risks, emergencies and crime extremely important, and ANTIC has deemed it necessary to seek the CTO’s support to build the capacity of its staff and other stakeholders in these areas,” said Dr Ebot Enaw, ANTIC’s director-general.

Our work in the area of cybersecurity started with the development of a national strategy for Cameroon, working closely with the Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications. This agreement is necessary in the sense that it will help put in place the key operational systems and processes to implement the country’s strategy,” assured Shola Taylor, secretary-general of the CTO.

The agreement was formally signed in the margins of the Commonwealth Spectrum Management Forum taking place this week in Cameroon.

Programmes to be delivered to ANTIC’s employees and key other national stakeholders in the coming months will address the following areas:

• IT management and leadership
• Risk management and business continuity planning
• Information system security audits
• IT governance
• Forensic investigations
• Introduction to cybersecurity
• Critical information infrastructure protection and cybersecurity
• Computer emergency response teams

For more information please contact The Communications Team, [email protected] or +44 (0) 20 8600 3820.

About the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) is the oldest and largest Commonwealth intergovernmental organisation in the field of information and communication technologies. With a diverse membership spanning developed and least developed countries, small island developing states, and more recently also the private sector and civil society, the CTO aims to become a trusted partner for sustainable development for all through ICTs. More information about us here