Frequency Planning and Spectrum Management
Course Code: TE104
This course addresses the various areas required to manage spectrum based on national requirements. Participants will be introduced to technologies requiring spectrum, spectrum management principles, national spectrum planning, engineering analysis, and computer-aided techniques. In addition, the course will introduce technological and regulatory changes that affect spectrum management, such as digital broadcasting. Frequency assignment methods are emphasised and new market-place forces, such as auctions, and spectrum fees and charges will also be presented.
Key topics
- Appropriate policy options for spectrum management
- Technologies utilising frequency spectrums and their roles in the national development priorities
- Emerging technologies and policy options enabling efficient implementation of new technologies
- Theories of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and other interferences
- Existing formal analytical tools to solve the optimisation problem of spectrum assignment and the associated problem of giving prices to the radio spectrum
- Formulation and solution of frequency assignment problems
- Economic importance of electromagnetic compatibility
- Electromagnetic compatibility regulations.
Target audience
Primarily individuals who work as planners, radio network engineers or radio optimisation engineers, or staff working on performance measurement disciplines.
This course can be organised on request. To receive further information or to request this course to be organised for your organisation, please use the booking form below.