Policy and Regulation
Competition and Convergence
Course Code: PO106
This course explains the policy and regulatory options and models designed to address the convergence of technologies, markets and services in the context of next generation networks (NGN) and long term evolution (LTE), and provides a range of examples of emerging best practices. Participants learn how to identify anti-competitive risks or behaviours associated with mergers and acquisitions in the ICT sector, and the resulting significant market power (SMP). Practical exercises to develop model regulatory safeguards for access, interconnection and pricing are provided.
Key topics
- Policy and regulatory approaches to convergence, NGNs and LTE
- Examples of regulatory best practices
- Anti-competitive behaviour in a converging environment
- Market-based tests for different types of anti-competitive behaviour and SMP
- Impact of mergers and acquisitions on competition
- Wholesale and retail price regulation and convergence
- Competitive safeguards.
Target audience
Individuals requiring an overview of the policy and regulatory aspects related to convergence.
This course can be organised on request. To receive further information or to request this course to be organised for your organisation, please use the booking form below.