Cyberspace offers unparalleled social and economic benefits, provided its governance recognises the interests of all stakeholders, nurtures entrepreneurship and facilitates social interactions. Guided by the Commonwealth values captured in the Charter of the Commonwealth, the CTO has carried out projects to develop the Commonwealth Cybergovernance Model that member countries could subscribe to. This initiative was launched at the 53rd Council meeting of the CTO on 9 – 10 October 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria – when ICT Ministers and the CTO Council approved this project and issued the Abuja Declaration on the proposed Commonwealth Cybergovernance Model. Following a series of regional consultations this model was presented to the Commonwealth ICT Minister’s Forum held on 3 – 4 March 2014 at Marlborough House in London, where it was adopted. Additionally, the Commonwealth Cyber Declaration adopted in 2018 outlines a series of commitments made by government leaders to foster a digital environment that enhances economic growth, social progress, and online rights. This landmark agreement reflects a shared vision for cyberspace that balances innovation with security.
Our approach of working in partnership with national stakeholders and leveraging domestic expertise, ensures local ownership and easier implementation. We have extensive experience in the various aspects of National Cybersecurity Strategy development such as:
Carrying out a national assessment of National Cybersecurity maturity
Setting the strategy in the national developmental and societal context
Setting the vision, mission, objectives and priorities
Establishing a clear governance structure
Establishing institutional and procedural measures
facilitating stakeholder consultations
Following the completion of the National Cybersecurity Strategy, we can also assist in implementing practical action such as:
Developing legislation such as on data protection and privacy
Protecting Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
Delivering training and mapping out awareness raising
Multistakeholder engagements and partnerships
Designing institutional structures