September 13th, 2017

Huawei elected to the executive committee of CTO

13 SEPTEMBER 2017, MAPUTO – Huawei Technologies was today elected to represent industry members on the executive committee of the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO).

The election took place on the margins of the CTO’s annual forum, CTO ICT Forum’17 held this week in Maputo, Mozambique.

Shola Taylor, secretary-general of the CTO said that “the CTO wants to further engage and work with private sector companies in addressing how the ICT sector can be further developed in a speedy and structured manner.

“The public and private sectors must work together so as to ensure that new and evolving technologies can be quickly deployed in member countries. Huawei Technologies is a leading ICT innovator in the world. It ranks 83rd on the Fortune 500 list of companies. It operates in over 170 countries in the world including within all Commonwealth countries. I am very confident that the company will play a very strong role in supporting the future development of the CTO,” Mr Taylor explained.

David Harmon, vice-president for global public affairs at Huawei Technologies said today that “Huawei is delighted to have been elected today on to the eight-person committee. The CTO brings together leading representatives from governments, regulators and private sector companies to discuss how best to build digital economies across the Commonwealth and beyond.

“The CTO develops innovative strategies to address the challenges that governments and regulators face in enhancing the use of ICT and address key economic and social problems. Huawei looks forward to playing an active and positive part in both pursuing and implementing the objectives and policy goals of the CTO,” Mr Harmon concluded.

Huawei joined the CTO as ICT Sector Member earlier this year but had taken part in the organisation’s activities for a few years.

Members of the organisation’s executive committee are elected for a period of one year. They oversee the work of the organisation between between its council meetings held annually.

For more information, please contact CTO Membership Division at [email protected] or +44 20 8600 3800.

About the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation 
The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) is the oldest and largest Commonwealth intergovernmental organisation in the field of information and communication technologies. With a diverse membership spanning developed and least developed countries, small island developing states, and more recently also the private sector and civil society, the CTO aims to become a trusted partner for sustainable development for all through ICTs.

About Huawei Technologies
As of the end of 2016, Huawei’s products and services are deployed in over 170 countries, serving more than one third of the world’s population. With more than 20 years of rich business expertise in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, an extensive global network and vast global business operations Huawei Technologies is delivering the latest technology to telecom carrier companies, to enterprises and to consumers alike.