December 1st, 2016

PDT Liaison Officers elect new Management Committee

LONDON, 1 DECEMBER 2016 – Members taking part in the Programme for Development & Training (PDT), the Commonwealth’s largest programme in capacity building in ICTs managed by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO), have elected a new management committee during their annual meeting held on 23 – 24 November in Kingston, Jamaica.

The new committee will be tasked with the governance of the PDT including reviewing members’ capacity building needs for 2017-18, and exercising oversight of the programme’s pooled procurement system.

Elected members of the committee are:

  • Chair: Communications Authority of Kenya (East Africa Representative)
  • 1st Vice-Chair: Swaziland Posts & Telecommunications Corporation (Southern Africa Representative)
  • 2nd Vice-Chair: Office of Utilities Regulation, Jamaica (Caribbean Representative)
  • Vodafone Ghana (West and Central Africa Representative)
  • Development Consulting Centre (Supplier Group Representative)

Shola Taylor, who is a permanent member of the committee as secretary-general of the CTO said that he was “very pleased with the swift proceedings of the meeting and the support of PDT members for the CTO’s Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2020 approved earlier this year.

The PDT is an important vehicle for capacity building for public and private sector alike, training hundreds of professionals in areas such as telecoms, IT, broadcasting, and cybersecurity, and the Communications Authority of Kenya is honoured by the trust of members to lead this committee,” said Juma Kandie who represents the Communications Authority of Kenya.

The PDT operates as a corporate membership programme in which organisations could take part either as “requesting partners” seeking training or consultancy services, or as “offering partners” providing such services. Training courses are delivered as either stand-alone bespoke courses or as regional programmes, by registered offering partners selected through a competitive bidding process.

During 2015-16 operational year, 36 courses were delivered, and over 500 professionals took part in at least one PDT course or project.


For more information please contact The Communications Team, [email protected] or +44 (0) 20 8600 3820.

About the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) is the oldest and largest Commonwealth intergovernmental organisation in the field of information and communication technologies. With a diverse membership spanning developed and least developed countries, small island developing states, and more recently also the private sector and civil society, the CTO aims to become a trusted partner for sustainable development for all through ICTs.